Wordle today August 14 Wordle #421
This blog post contains the answer for the Wordle Today August 14, 2022
Last night I wanted to post two blog post articles. But unfortunately I was so sleep that I hardly could finish one. I was continiuously falling in my sleep which lead me to think I should stop and just sleep. And guess what I did that! 😀 Probably you have done the Wordle #421 already but just incase have not done it here is the answer.
Where did Wordle come from?
An engineer called Josh Wardle, use to be to work at Reddit. He loves playing word games, that being said, he started a web-based word game. In the beginning, the game was a house thing but it started to expand to the workplace. As soon as it reached that point Josh Wardle knew he had created something big therefore he opened it to the world.
What happened to the Wordle archive?
There used to be a Wordle archive with all the puzzles that had been played in previous years. But sadly, it was concealed by the New York Times because the site creator wanted that.
Thousands if not millions play Wordle every single day. It became such a huge success that many people started to copy its concept. Honestly, I was thinking also to create a game like this. 😀 But then I remembered mate I ain’t no developer.
What’s the best Wordle starting word strategy?
Honestly, I haven’t played much, but as many games, I have played of wordle I try to use a word that has at least one of the vowels. I prefer A or E.  Moreover, try using consonants N, R, S, T.
What is the daily Wordle?
Wordle is the daily web-based browser game developed by Josh Wardle. In this daily browser word game, you have guessed a word without having any clues. The only clue would be the letters you put in and the color that comes out after you enter the word. Green color letter means that word belongs to that box, in other words, you have guessed the correct letter for the particular box. A yellow color letter means the word contains this letter but the position of that letter is not accurate, you need to shuffle a bit. Lastly, the grey color letter means that this letter is not present in today’s wordle word. Keep in mind you have to find the word within six attempts only.
How do I get the daily wordle?
You can find the daily wordle answer at https://Infinitemodapk.com
What is Wordle Hint for the Wordle today August 14, 2022 #421?
It’s a color, It’s a fabric, no Its Super Soldier.
What does Wordle start with today?
August 14 wordle starts with the letter K
Hint for Wordle today August 14, 2022 if there is a double letter:
What is the Wordle word for August 14, 2022?
Are you ready for the Wordle today august 14?
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